
Important Announcement

Written by McAfee Institute | Nov 3, 2022 8:19:32 PM

It is finally here our new learning management system! In an effort to support our future growth and our upcoming release of our Masters and PHD programs (Intelligence and Investigation Studies) as part of McAfeeU our new LMS is being launched tomorrow morning.

Starting Friday 11/4/2022 at 9am CST, for the next 30 days we are going to be migrating all students over to the new McAfee Student Dashboard 2.0.

If you are an existing student in the middle of a program you have 30 days to complete it in the existing LMS (which is where you are going now to take your program) labeled "Student Dashboard". After that you will be migrated to the new system and your progress will be lost. So please complete it ASAP deadline is 12/4/2022.

If you are a new student have not yet started your course, or perhaps you have started but want to finish it in the new system, please go to Student Dashboard 2.0 dashboard (labeled "Student Dashboard 2.0" below) to start your program. If you have any questions, please jump into chat. Both links are below to access your programs.

Email Notifications you will be getting a few email notifications focused around renewals and if you don't have a card on file for certification renewals. This is us and its a real email. Please update at your convenance if appropriate.

New Features

  1. CPE Monitoring and Issuing
  2. Renewal Notifications
  3. Instant Access to Credentials and Certificates on Completion.
  4. Customized Learning Paths
  5. Applying M.I. certifications earned toward a Masters and PHD program once launched.


New Features #2

  1. User Experience Improvements
  2. Private Discussions
  3. New Enhanced Labs
  4. Live Workshops & Trainings
  5. Zoom Office Hours with Instructors


Thank you...

We wanted to thank each and everyone of you for the advice, feedback and suggestions along the way to make this happen as well as our beta testers. We know how difficult change can be at times and we know you will love the new system and experience going forward. Thank you for your understanding along the way and welcome to the new McAfee Institute 2.0 LMS.